Symposium Future Learning?!: Workshop Programme is now online!

11. Oktober 2017

The descriptions of the Workshops next Tuesday (Oct, 17th) are now available. For more details please click on each headline.


Konzept OER-Zertifizierung an österreichischen Hochschulen

11. Oktober 2017

Die Arbeitsgruppe „Open Educational Resources“ des Forum Neue Medien in der Lehre Austria (fnm-austria) hat vor kurzem ein Konzept zur OER-Zertifizierung an österreichischen Hochschulen präsentiert. Das ist insofern spannend, als dass sich in der Sache etwas zu bewegen scheint. Das Konzept sieht vor sowohl für Lehrende als auch für Hochschulen eine mehrstufige Zertifizierung über das in der OER Landschaft bereits gebräuchliche Open Badges System zu organisieren.


Symposium on the Future of Learning | Workshop 1

10. Oktober 2017

Takashi Iba & Members of Iba Lab | “Pattern Mining Workshop: How to Find Patterns from Experiences”

Pattern languages have recently been paid attention to as new tools for learning and creativity. A pattern language is a set of patterns that describe practical knowledge in a target domain, where practical knowledge refers to both the ability to notice problems as well as to solve them. In creating a pattern language, it is necessary to go through a “mining” process in the beginning, to gather contents of what would eventually be written out as patterns. Pattern mining is a process to extract the knowledge of practice (rules of thumb and tips) from experiences and cases. Such information is gathered through mining dialogues (self-reflections or interviews), after which they are clustered based on similarity, in order to find out the common points from the extracted knowledge and organize them. In this workshop, we provide an opportunity for participants to get an overview of how to create pattern languages, focusing on how to mine patterns from personal experiences and experiences from others.


Symposium on the Future of Learning | Workshop 2

10. Oktober 2017

Jonas Linderoth | “Using Games to Facilitate Systems Thinking”

In this workshop participants get to both try to play and design games that illustrates different real systems. The workshop is appropriate for educators of all levels from primary school to higher education.


Symposium on the Future of Learning | Workshop 3

10. Oktober 2017

Michael Steiner & Brigitte Hübel-Fleischmann (in cooperation with DaVinciLab) | “The Lego Education Innovation Studio at the University College of Teacher Education Vienna – Make your ideas happen”

The Lego Education Innovation Studio (EIS) is based on a hands-on learning approach that actively involves pupils in their own learning processes and is aimed at developing their creative thinking and practical problem solving skills through coding and robotics. In context of the nationwide project “Learn how to think and solve problems“ (DLPL) Austrian school classes are supported by experts with resources and educational material in the implementation of various projects. In a special workshop participants can get an insight into educational concepts, the possibilities offered by the EIS and successful school projects like MadeByKids (in cooperation with DaVinciLab). At various stations a whole range of products can be tried out: Lego WeDo and EV3, BeeBot & Co, Scratch, Ozobot, Microbit, Minecraft.


Symposium on the Future of Learning | Workshop 4

10. Oktober 2017

Hermann Morgenbesser | Demonstrations and Digital Storytelling in the Learning Zones of the Future Learning Lab”

The Future Learning Lab follows the educational and pedagogical concept of the EUN’s Future Classroom Lab. This new space will offer a well-equipped environment for learning. According the Learning Zones of the FCL, workshops in the three different FLL areas of Investigation, Creation and Presentation will be taking place.


Symposium on the Future of Learning | Workshop 5

10. Oktober 2017

Thomas Nárosy | “Joint Advantage: Education Innovation Depends on Overlapping Collaboration”

The OECD has dedicated almost 10 years to the ILE Innovative Learning Environments project. At the core, the project analyzed how young people learn today and under what conditions they can learn better. The results of the project – in a way a “blueprint” of the development of education systems in the OECD area “beyond teaching” – describe the core of innovative learning environments using seven learning principles, while three development dimensions outline the direction for a dynamic implementation of this core. The third dimension “transformation and change in learning ecosystems” emphasizes the need to open up the “networked learning ecosystem”. The Future Learning Lab Wien understands itself, among other things, as a learning space in exactly this sense. The workshop will focus on three issues: Firstly, the recently published “OECD Handbook for Innovative Learning Environments” is presented; secondly the concept and program will be introduced and discussed, and, thirdly, opening up to hitherto untapped development potentials. In particular, the focus is on aspects for which the “classical interior of education” is dependent on opening and collaboration.


Symposium on the Future of Learning | Workshop 6

10. Oktober 2017

Thomas Kunze | “The best games to use in the game based learning classroom”

This workshop offers an overview and a lot of hands-on experience of good games for the game based learning classroom. Educators of all levels and subjects are invited to try out games and understand how to use them easily in their classrooms.


DLPL Projektstart in Wien

9. Oktober 2017

Am 3. Oktober 2017 war es endlich so weit. Die ersten Lehrerinnen und Lehrer aus drei Wiener Clusterschulen des BMB ProjektesDenken lernen, Probleme lösen kamen zur Einschulung und Übernahme des Coding- und Robotikmaterials in das Education Innovation Studio des ZLI an der PH Wien. Dort wurden sie vom Verantwortlichen des EIS, Michael Steiner, begrüßt und bekamen eine kurze Einführung zu den Lernräumen der Pädagogischen Hochschule.


PREPARE-Projekttreffen in Luxemburg

9. Oktober 2017

Von 25.09.2017 bis 27.09.2017 fand im Rahmen des Erasmus-Plus-Projekts PREPARE ein Projekttreffen in Luxemburg am Institut de formation de l’Éducation nationale (IFEN) statt. Klaus Himpsl-Gutermann und Reinhard Bauer (PREPARE-Projektkoordinator an der PH Wien) nahmen als Vertreter der PH Wien daran teil.


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