Benvenuta, cara Elena!

29. Mai 2024

On May 15th and May 16th our dear guest from Florence, Elena Gabbi PhD from the University of Florence, visited our competence centre for STEM and digital literacy at the University College of Teacher Education to present her work within the framework of the EU Digital-Paideia Project.

Ms. Gabbi has a PhD in Educational Technology and was interested in finding out about digital competences of educators in Austria. After an informative tour of our competence centre with Prof. Dr. Klaus Himpsl-Gutermann, the Future Learning Lab hosted a discussion with Dr. Elena Revyakina and the presentation of Elena Gabbi’s keynote, followed by a discussion with doctorate students from the Dig!Doc programme (find out more about this event at Dig!Doc homepage).

Day two offered Ms. Gabbi insights into other areas of our competence centre; the whole programme was well organised by Mag. Adriana Paunovic. While a class workshop with primary school students was held at the Education Innovation Studio, a further inspection of the DINA LAB was made possible by Mag. Florian Danhel.

In the afternoon of the second day, the project was presented by Mag. Hermann Morgenbesser at the Future Learning Lab, which concluded the short mobility programme.

However, there was also time for a joint dinner at the Alma Gastrothèque with our esteemed guest, where final conclusions from her stay were drawn.

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