Symposium on the Future of Learning: Day 2

The second day of the international Symposium on the Future of Learning at the University College of Teacher Education Vienna (PH Wien) on October 17, 2017 from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm offered participants a number of workshops on various topics. After the morning sessions of the workshops the official opening of the Future Learning Lab Vienna (FLL) took place (picture gallery). The FLL represents a project cooperation between the Centre for Educational Technology and Innovation (ZLI) at PH Wien and their partner, the Association for the Promotion of Digital Educational Services (Verein zur Förderung digitaler Bildungsangebote).
- Workshop 1
Takashi Iba & Members of Iba Lab | “Pattern Mining Workshop: How to Find Patterns from Experiences”
This workshop provided participants with a hands-on opportunity to get an overview of how to create pattern languages, focusing on how to mine patterns from personal experiences and experiences from others.
Here you can find impressions of a workshop participant, Christian Aspalter:
- Workshop 2
Jonas Linderoth | “Using Games to Facilitate Systems Thinking”
In this workshop participants got to both try to play and design games that illustrated different real systems. The workshop was interesting for educators of all levels from primary school to higher education.
- Workshop 3
Michael Steiner & Brigitte Hübel-Fleischmann (in cooperation with DaVinciLab) | “The Lego Education Innovation Studio at the University College of Teacher Education Vienna – Make your ideas happen” In this workshop participants got an insight into educational concepts, the possibilities offered by the EIS and successful school projects like MadeByKids. At various stations a whole range of products could be tried out: Lego WeDo and EV3, BeeBot & Co, Scratch, Ozobot, Microbit, Minecraft.
- Workshop 4
Hermann Morgenbesser | “Demonstrations and Digital Storytelling in the Learning Zones of the Future Learning Lab”
The Future Learning Lab follows the educational and pedagogical concept of the EUN’s Future Classroom Lab. This new space offered participants a well-equipped environment for learning. According the Learning Zones of the FCL, workshops in the three different FLL areas included „investigation“, „creation“ and „presentation“.
- Workshop 5
Thomas Nárosy | “Joint Advantage: Education Innovation Depends on Overlapping Collaboration”
This workshop mainly focused on three issues: Firstly, the recently published „OECD Handbook for Innovative Learning Environments“ ; secondly, on the concept and programme of the and, thirdly, on opening up to hitherto untapped development potentials, especially in the context of collaboration.
- Workshop 6
Thomas Kunze | „The best games to use in the game based learning classroom“
This workshop offered an overview and a lot of hands-on experience of good games for the game based learning classroom. Educators of all levels and subjects were invited to try out games and understand how to use them easily in their classrooms.
Official opening of the Future Learning Lab
One of the highlights of the day was the official opening of the Future Learning Lab (FLL) on the campus of the University College of Teacher Education Vienna (PH Wien). The principal of our university, Ruth Petz, welcomed the Federal Minister for Education, Sonja Hammerschmid, the Federal Minister for Families and Youth, Sophie Karmasin and more than 50 guests (different partners of the new Learning Lab). Find a detailed report in German language here.
Here you find the summary of Day 1.
- Press Release of the Federal Ministry of Education
- Link to picture gallery: Symposium Future Learning
- Link to picture gallery: Opening of the
- Link to workshop programme of Day 2
- Symposium booklet: Download PDF
- Link to the University College of Teacher Education Vienna (PH Wien), English version
- Link to the Future Learning Lab (FLL) at PH Wien
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