Symposium on the Future of Learning | Workshop 6

10. Oktober 2017

Thomas Kunze, Games Institute Austria

Thomas Kunze | “The best games to use in the game based learning classroom”

This workshop offers an overview and a lot of hands-on experience of good games for the game based learning classroom. Educators of all levels and subjects are invited to try out games and understand how to use them easily in their classrooms.

Thomas Kunze is the founder of Games Institute Austria and the registered association Spielmacher which focus on the use of Games, video games and gamelike methods in new contexts like education or communication. A teacher and linguist by profession and an avid gamer since his early days he brings together what needs to come together, gaming culture as a whole and the world out there with their big questions, be it in society, in education or in business development. He is convinced that gaming has an enormous influence on what the world is going to look like in the near future and doesn’t stop to talk about it, be it in projects, seminars or talks all over Europe.


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