Jetzt online: Reflecting Education
Reflecting Education Special Issue: Digital Innovations in Teacher Education is now online.
Guest Editorial Board: Thomas Strasser, Klaus Himpsl-Gutermann, Reinhard Bauer, Wolfgang Greller, Ruth Petz
Digital Innovations in Teacher Education
This special issue emphasises digital Innovations in teacher education considering the societal and curricular relevance of technology-enhanced learning (TEL), especially in the field of teacher education within a scientific and practical context which solicits original (research) papers framing pedagogic and didactic considerations, applicative scenarios or taxonomies in the field of technology-enhanced learning and teaching within the context of teacher education/development. It supports a critically-reflective discourse about technological developments and their implementation in teacher education/development curricula.
Link to issue:
Article by the PH Wien team:
- Simone Atzesberger, Evelyn Dechant-Tucheslau, Michael Steiner, Petra Szucsich: Accompanying Teachers on Their Way to Innovative Lesson Design. New Formats in Teacher Education in the Context of the Austrian KidZ- Project for Innovative and Technology Enhanced Learning and Teaching.
Link to article:
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