Einreichung von CHANGE! beim European Digital Skills Awards 2023

Das CHANGE! EduMINDsET for Future-Projekt des ZLI der PH Wien und des FLL.wien wurde beim European Digital Skills Awards 2023 eingereicht. Jetzt heißt es Daumen drücken!
The Digital Skills and Jobs Platform of the European Commission is glad to announce the next edition of the European Digital Skills Awards. With this initiative, we aim to celebrate the work of the digital skills community and reward organisations across Europe that have been involved in projects, programmes andinitiatives that enhance digital skills.
All types of organizations, public, private, academic, research and/or training centres, schools, SMEs orLarge Corporates, EU funded projects consortia, public administrations, NGOs and citizen initiatives whoare running or have completed a project or initiative to support the adoption of digital skills in one of the 5categories of the awards, are welcome to apply.
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